
Application for Audition Form

Apply for JMI’s accredited courses now!

You must complete the Application for Audition Form to arrange an audition for JMI’s Bachelor and Diploma programs. Once completed, you will receive confirmation of your audition within 2 working days to confirm the date and time for your audition.

Please note:
– Entry into JMI’s accredited courses is through a successful audition. Please complete the below form to apply to audition for JMI’s courses
– Only domestic students should complete this form. If you are an international student, please go to our International Students page for information on how to apply to JMI.
– Please complete all questions and click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the page. Once submitted, JMI will contact you directly to confirm your audition time.
– Before completing this form, please make sure you have looked at the audition requirements for the course/s you are applying for. If you have any queries regarding these audition requirements, please contact JMI for an information session

Please select the courses you are applying for*

Are you seeking credit for recognised prior learning and/or previous tertiary studies you have undertaken?

Would you like to join our mailing list? Please choose the categories that you wish to receive more information about (optional)

I declare that the information on this form is, to the best of my knowledge, true in every respect.

I give permission to JMI to use any images or videos of myself collected in classes or performances held during the Night Classes for social media and other marketing purposes

Academic Record