
Where Are They Now? Meet Alumni, Kat Kellalea

In the following blog series of ‘Where Are They Now?’, we talk to some of our alumni who we haven’t heard from in quite some time! We find out where life has taken them since graduation, and how studying at JMI benefited them throughout their career and life. For this particular blog, we caught up with JMI alumni Kat Kellalea who graduated from JMI’s Bachelor program in 2015. Kat’s been doing some wonderful things in her career as a musician and educator! Read on for the full interview.

Kat Kellalea in a field with a guitar

Tell us a bit about yourself. What do you play?

Hey I’m Kat. I’m a musician, holistic music teacher/ therapist and mother of two beautiful children. My main instrument is voice which is what I studied whilst at JMI, but I also play in guitar, piano, ukulele and drums.

What have you been doing since graduating from JMI?

Upon graduating JMI I was working as a session musician, providing music in all different settings, from weddings, corporate events, cafes and working with many different musicians. I have been gigging for over 10 years and absolutely love it. Over the past few years I have really focussed on working as a solo musician playing acoustic guitar and singing and I am performing in all types of settings while doing a little bit of travelling.

After graduating with my music degree I began working as an early childhood music teacher in Brisbane for Hush Little Baby Early Childhood Music Education, and shortly after I also began working alongside music therapists and educators for Kids Music Beat Australia which provided early learning, education and therapy services throughout Brisbane. During this time I had my first child who greatly benefited from the music therapy sessions. It was very eye opening to witness first hand how truly magical music was when it is used as a holistic tool for growth and development.

I did some extra studies and have been working in early learning centres, schools, alternative educational settings and teaching privately which has given me very valuable lessons and inspired me to really hold space for children to help them learn and grow through the use of music.

Upon starting my own business in 2021 called ‘Find Your Rhythm Music,’ I have had the honour of collaborating with some beautiful businesses that are doing incredibly things in the way of alternative education some of these include, Wildlings Forest School, The Botanical Collective, The Wile Exchange and Homegrown Nature Play. It has been such a beautiful experience witnessing children flourish in these environments and learning more about the different ways we can support children to grow in every way and music just seems to do this so perfectly.

Find Your Rhythm Music provides a multi-sensory, interactive and inclusive music and movement session that utilises music as a holistic tool for overall growth and development in all areas.

The sessions are all about having fun and offering a time for social engagement whilst helping individuals of all abilities to reach their own individual goals through music that is fun, motivating and in line with their interests as an individual.

What has been one of your biggest musical highlights in your career thus far?

Everything I have done with my music has been a highlight.

I live and breath music in my everyday life. Having the opportunity to start my own business and working with so many different children has been truly amazing.

Kat Kellalea playing guitar for a couple of childrenI didn’t get the chance to learn music or an instrument throughout childhood and I strongly beleive music education should be accessible for everyone which is one of my missions for my business. Sharing music education with children and families has been an absolute highlight.

I have also recently started producing and recording my own original music and children’s music and slowly releasing my songs.

What are your future goals in music?

Over the past few years I have been focussing on solo music and writing my own original music. One of my future goals is to record and release more of my music. I write mostly acoustic, folk style music and children’s music. I am also wanting to expand my business to reach more services in the future and help share the magic of music with even more children and families.

How has studying at JMI helped you to get where you are?

Before studying at JMI I didn’t have any formal musical education. I began with their Diploma of music degree which really helped me understand the foundations of music theory and performance.

Kat Kellalea on stage with a guitarThe course was perfect for me as it went at a steady pace and gave me time to absorb all the information I was learning.

Studying jazz music provided me with the tools to understand complex music theory and apply that to my instrument. It helped me to gain the skills to be able to improvise in all styles of music.

I then went on to study my Bachelor of music at JMI. I learnt so much during my time at the university which has really helped me apply the knowledge I learnt to all areas of my career now from performing to teaching.

I would highly recommend studying Jazz music regardless of what music you are wanting to play in the future. Jazz music provides you with all the tools necessary to become a master of your instrument and this knowledge can be applied to any style.

Even if you don’t have formal music education I would definitely give it a go. The teachers and students in the JMI environment helped me in every way possibly to succeed at the course.

What advice would you have for someone thinking about studying music and especially jazz?

Give everything a go. Do the gig. Don’t hold back. It goes by so quickly and it is such a special time to really just give your all to music and take all the opportunities you can.

What musicians have you been listening to lately?

Laufey – It Could Happen To You – I have always loved singing this song.

I must admit I listen to ALOT of children’s music as well. I love Stephanie Leavell’s music for the early education space.

You can follow Kat’s own music and Find Your Rhythm Music on Instagram below:

Kat Kellalea Music

Find Your Rhythm Music


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